Upgrade Instructions
From v1.5.0 to v1.5.1
Simple: if you are using v1.5.0 already and have not customized any of the files listed in the changed_files-v1-5-1.html document, then simply replace those files with the new versions contained herein.
If you HAVE customized or altered certain files, simply re-do your customizations in the new version of those particular files by making the same changes needed.
If you are using Addons/Plugins that have made alterations to those files, it is best to compare those changed files against the original v1.5.0 files, and see what changes were there ... and then re-build those changes in the v1.5.1 file.
To v1.5.1 from v1.3.9h or older
If you are upgrading from a version OLDER than v1.5.0, then please do a standard complete site upgrade .
CHANGELOG - List of Changed Files
For a list of files that have been changed since v1.5.0, see the changed_files-v1-5-1.html
Whats New ... Changes from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1
The following improvements and bugfixes are included in v1.5.1 since v1.5.0:
CHANGE-207 - Add bypass to bandage the performance/caching problem with products_viewed counter on busy sites, inspired by an idea from data-diggers. This step simply splits the logic out into an observer class, and adds a switch to turn it on or off. Doesn't change any schema or any reports. But of course if the switch is set to something other than 'on', then the reports will be useless too unless alternate custom data tracking code is added to the observer class.
CHANGE-208 - Implement data-diggers querycache
CHANGE-220 - Add optional constant 'DOWNLOADS_SKIP_DOT_PREFIX_ON_REDIRECT' to overcome rare problem on some servers which won't allow use of dot-prefixed temporary files. Usage: define('DOWNLOADS_SKIP_DOT_PREFIX_ON_REDIRECT', TRUE); in /includes/extra_configures/ folder.
CHANGE-238 - php 5.4 Updates, mainly for htmlentities() calls
CHANGE-240 - Add form auto-focus on advanced-search results and admin category lookups
CHANGE-265 - Add children support to category-specific stylesheet overrides -- ie: c_XX_XX_children.css
CHANGE-273 - Add css-driven antispam support to contact-us, create-account, and product reviews
CHANGE-282 - Add improved notifier support for the shipping calculate_boxes_weight_and_tare() function to allow for easier intercept by plugins
CHANGE-283 - Add coders the ability to allow for a custom count query in split page results class
CHANGE-284 - Update db schema and various code bits to handle longer lengths for IP addresses, to accommodate IPv6
CHANGE-287 - Add hooks for encryption tools needed by modules such as PPA
CHANGE-297 - Add improvements to notifier support for Downloads script (add all order data to observer resources)
CHANGE-298 - Move debug logging to separate /logs/ folder, as a performance improvement measure, and be more semantically meaningful
CHANGE-201 - Fix JS_STATE typo in /admin/includes/languages/english.php
CHANGE-202 - Fix compounding or multiple tax problems
CHANGE-204 - Fix problem with unescaped error messages in zc_install
CHANGE-205 - Fix error on Windows hosts: 'gzpost' can't have default value
CHANGE-206 - Fix admin profiles code to also manage product types
CHANGE-209 - Prevent the "apple double" effect in auto-loading folders ... ie: skip all files starting with "." or "_"
CHANGE-211 - Fix for bug where renaming an Admin Profile name allowed a blank entry.
CHANGE-213 - Fix missing check for EMAIL_DISCLAIMER constant, to help prevent problems caused by people who incorrectly delete the define from the language files.
CHANGE-214 - Fix various documentation errors
CHANGE-215 - Fix BOC currency exchange rate lookup to use newer source. Fix bug which could return 0.00 mistakenly in some cases.
CHANGE-216 - Fix handler for HTML Editor plugins - was missing trailing slash in lookup path
CHANGE-218 - Fix Admin alert email text (HTML content missing) on change of user details
CHANGE-219 - Fix multiple-content-length headers when downloading by redirect
CHANGE-221 - Fix cause of error message: PHP Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, when triggered by customer notification preferences submission at checkout
CHANGE-222 - Fix the .htaccess restriction which was preventing the .cur image files from working with spiffyCal
CHANGE-223 - Fix Authorize.net SIM/echeck module "currency code invalid" error when customer is shopping in non-USD currency
CHANGE-230 - Fix password reset vulnerability (random seed/entropy issue)
CHANGE-231 - Fix page_not_found on session timeout to time_out instead
CHANGE-233 - Fix HTML error in admin/profiles.php page - /head should have been /thead
CHANGE-236 - Fix: Customer authorization e-mail not sent out on pressing "the red button".
CHANGE-239 - Fix virtual cart problem causing error: "PayPal has unexpectedly returned a blank address" only on carts with all virtual products
CHANGE-241 - Fix Improper handling of '0' as search keyword
CHANGE-242 - Fix output/display errors in admin user/profile tools.
CHANGE-244 - Fix name of form field for javascript character count which could break in non-english translations
CHANGE-246 - Improve exceptions for testing Authnet in Test Mode
CHANGE-249 - Fix to allow more than one onetime fee in the shopping basket
CHANGE-255 - Fix missing [close] from popup_search_help template file
CHANGE-256 - Fix validation errors in manufacturers sidebox if manufacturer_name contains ampersands
CHANGE-259 - Fix Admin menu problem occurring only in Opera 12 on Windows
CHANGE-261 - Fix outdated error message text about PHP 5.4 and configure.php file problems
CHANGE-262 - Fix PHP Error when no Record Company ID with Typefilter
CHANGE-263 - Clarify password-expiry language to minimize alarmist reactions for those who don't understand the common use of expiring passwords
CHANGE-264 - Fix PHP Fatal error: 1062:Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1 when adding option values
CHANGE-268 - Fix Hardcoded text in Reports/Customer Referrals
CHANGE-269 - Fix misspelled Germany state (zones table)
CHANGE-275 - Fix json_encode error on non-UTF8 sites
CHANGE-277 - Rebrand PayPal products (for USA merchants only) according to changes implemented by PayPal in Q2 2012
CHANGE-279 - Fix PayPal Processor Decline Fails to Show Error Message when debug logging disabled
CHANGE-280 - Fix inconsistency in dist-configure.php example files
CHANGE-281 - Fix incorrect database constant used in tpl_account_default.php
CHANGE-294 - Fix issue where a customer who is banned after login could still checkout
CHANGE-296 - Update outdated Admin error message text for secure usernames
CHANGE-299 - update to change-230
CHANGE-199 - Fix various vulnerabilities in zc_install
CHANGE-325 - Admin Configuration does not correctly encode html entities in text boxes
CHANGE-327 - Update PayPal sandbox endpoints
CHANGE-334 - PHP Warning: strip_tags() expects at most 2 parameters, 4 given in coupon_admin.php